Cut your electric bills and help the earth
Does your electricity bill have you seeing red? Go green and save!
Few things can make you feel more infuriated yet helpless, than opening up your electric bill and discovering that it has doubled and even tripled, with no obvious explanation. Rising fuel costs and greedy electric providers are two of the prime suspects in this war against your finances, but you may be surprised to discover that the other culprit may be none other than you. That’s right; you may in fact be a large contributor to your own expensive electric bills. By making small changes in the way you use and purchase electricity, you can easily save at least a couple hundred dollars per year and green your electricity too.
Ready to start? Here are some tips that can make a difference:
Choose a green electric provider
There’s no way around the need for electricity, so choosing an electric provider that specializes in providing clean air is one of the best ways to go green. It’s no secret that providing energy is a dirty job. One in which the burning of coal, nuclear energy, and gas pollutes the air and land not only in the direct vicinity of the offending power plants, but for hundreds of miles surrounding the areas.
But not all electric companies are doing business as usual; there are providers available that are dedicated to providing cleaner and more energy efficient power options. By choosing green electricity providers you are helping to decrease pollution and are also taking advantage of environmentally friendly technology such as windmills, biomass, solar panels, and hydropower.
Choosing an electricity provider that is invested in the environment and your financial well-being is a win-win partnership.
Purchase energy efficient appliances
Almost 50% of the energy used in homes is wasted, used by appliances and other items that are plugged in but not being used. Appliances are the biggest source of energy usage in the home. Air conditioners, refrigerators, dishwashers, washers and dryers, and other appliances are plugged in 24/7, 365 days of the year, even when you are not using them. Unlike other appliances that can be unplugged when not being used, doing so with these appliances is not practical or allowable in most instances, therefore purchasing models that are energy efficient can help to lower your electricity bill and improve their longevity.
Look for appliances that have the Energy Star label, which signifies that the product meets the standards for efficiency that are outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and carefully review the EnergyGuide label that compares the energy usage of similar models.
Being smart and saving the environment are easily accomplished when you purchase energy efficient appliances.
Change your lighting
Not only are fluorescent lights more energy efficient, using 75% less energy than traditional bulbs, but they can last up to 10-13 times longer than traditional light bulbs. Compact fluorescent lights are available in almost every size imaginable and according to the US Department of Energy, if every American household replaced just one conventional light bulb with a compact fluorescent light (CFL), the U.S would save enough energy to light 3 million homes a year! Also remember that the simple act of turning off lights immediately after leaving a room or turning off any lights that are not being used can also save you money, anywhere from 5-10% off your monthly electric bill.
Fluorescent lighting can literally and figuratively change the way you see things.
What other ways can you green your electricity?
• Lower the temperature of your refrigerator.
• Purchase double pane windows.
• Make sure windows and doors are properly insulated.
• Use a timer to turn lights off and on
• Purchase a programmable thermostat.
Don’t let high energy bills get the best of you. Go green today and save.
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