Obtaining a Green Business Certification for Your Small to Medium-Sized Business – Part 2

Innovative Ways to Become a Certified Green Business

In the business world, there’s an old saying that says, “It takes money to make money.” In part 1 of this article series on obtaining your green business certification, we examined the benefits of becoming a green business (saving the environment, saving money, and gaining new customers). We also looked at some of the obstacles businesses face, one of which was finding the money necessary to make the switch to green.

In this article, we’re going to share a few ideas that can help you gain recognition as an eco friendly business, attract new customers, and even collect government incentives — on any sized budget!

5 Low Cost Ways to Get a Green Business Certification

One way to ease the cost of going green is to trade products or services with other like-minded businesses. An eco-friendly dry cleaner, for example, who uses environmentally friendly chemicals, may partner with a car dealership and exchange dry cleaning services for a flex-fuel or hybrid delivery van. A trade like this might not allay the entire costs of a new van, but it could substantially reduce them. Both businesses could then boast that they use the other’s services out of their commitment to the planet.

Don’t Seek Out Just One Certification
Take a tip from the military generals whose entire chests are covered with medals. Seek out local and regional non-profit organizations, local, state and federal government agencies, and industry associations who are offering eco-friendly awards and apply for as many as you can. Then, include each of the ones that you win in your advertising.

With the non-profit groups and trade associations, there is often no charge to apply for recognition, and many times these organizations will further promote you and your efforts by listing you as an eco-friendly business in their literature and on their websites.

Be Your Own Green Business Certification
Can’t find an agency that certifies what you do? Don’t have the capital to make changes right now and bartering’s out of the question? Then be your own green business certification by listing everything you do to stay green.

Do you use energy efficient light bulbs? Did you install solar panels? Do you recycle packing materials? Use recycled paper? Soy inks? Drink organic shade grown coffee? Drive a hybrid as a company car? Write it all down and create a pamphlet called, “Our Commitment to the Environment,” then include it in your advertising and post it where your customers and prospects can see it.

Offer Incentives to Your Customers
Reward customers for their eco-friendly efforts with discounts or service upgrades. Kimpton Hotels, for example, discount the overnight parking rates by as much as 50% for hotel guests who arrive in a hybrid car. (By the way, check back to see our case study on Kimpton Hotels to see some of the innovative ways this company of eco friendly hotels is gaining environmentally conscious customers, while preserving the environment.)

Seek Out Government Incentives
Local, state and federal government and even some utility companies offer energy-based financial incentives in the form of rebates, tax exemptions, grants and loans. To see which programs your business might qualify for, visit the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency website at www.dsireusa.org.

As you can see, your ability to help the planet and attract new customers is only limited by your imagination and creativity. Though some certifications may be out of your reach for financial or infrastructure reasons, a little out of the box thinking can help you grow a profitable business while preserving our environment for future generations.

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